FET Officially Underway

I went in today for my CD2 ultrasound (no blood work) and I’m all cleared to start FET! My lining was 5mm, my ovaries are back to normal and I had no cysts. And oops, I had on two different socks. Teeheehee!

Tonight I’ll start Aygestin pills and Saturday I’ll begin 20 units of Lupron nightly. I go back in on CD16 (2/25) for another ultrasound. If all looks good on the 25th, I’ll start Estrace pills. Not sure when, but the next ultrasound after I start Estrace, I’ll stop Lupron and begin Progesterone. Lastly, a few days before the transfer, I’ll start Medrol. The transfer will be within 4-5 weeks from today. I hope it’s closer to 4 weeks though. šŸ™‚

I’m really looking forward to this cycle. I’m hoping that because it will be easier on my body that this time it will actually work! It will be much, much more relaxing. No every-other-day appointments. No bloating. I can exercise. Actually, I think we’ll plan a little weekend ski trip.

Oh, and we’ve decided that we’re transferring two embryos this time. With two embryos, my RE says we have a 50% chance. Please let us fall on the right side of the odds this time. My hubby’s birthday is near the end of March and a BFP would be the best birthday present ever.

10 responses to “FET Officially Underway

  1. How exciting! I’m definitely interested in hearing how things go with a FET. I’ve done one cycle of IVF and plan to do a FET myself in the near future and I don’t know what to expect. Good luck!

  2. I’m glad you feel more relaxed this cycle. My fingers are crossed for you. I hope this is it šŸ™‚

  3. katery

    yea, how exciting!! i am sending lots of baby mojo your way!!

  4. I think the two embryos will enjoy having one another’s company. I have a good feeling about this.

  5. This is it! Sending you infinite good vibes šŸ™‚

  6. Yeah for two. I got three- lets see if any are going to stick around this time, damn i hope so! So excited for you and what a great bday present that will be. have a great weekend. xoxo

  7. The secret of success is persistence! Wishing you a very successful transfer!

  8. omg- i’m so happy you can start again so soon!!! hope the cramps went away šŸ™‚

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After nearly 3 years of TTC and the help of ART, we got pregnant on our 5th IVF/FET transfer after IVF #2. Our beautiful fraternal twin boys were born on 7/15/11 at 37w0d.

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