Well, well, well.

25 vials and blood and the results are in. To recap, here is a run down of the tests that were done:

  • Thrombophylia panel (clotting)
  • Immune (DQ Alpha, NKa)
  • Karyotyping
  • Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsies
  • Semen Analysis

Don’t forget that I was hoping for something to come up. We want some answers! The good news is everything came back normal…almost! The other good news is that I am homozygous for MTHFR C677T. This means I have two copies of the C-mutation (thanks mom and dad!), the most serious of the MTHFR mutations. (Lucky me!) However, since my homocysteine levels are normal, my RE doesn’t think this is a major issue.

MTHFR means that I’m not producing enough folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. A folic acid deficiency can cause clotting issues, which could cause implantation issues or miscarriage, and potentially cardiovascular issues down the road. A lack of B6 and B12 can actually stop rapidly producing cells (like an embryo) from producing. Could this perhaps be why we’ve continually been on the bad side of luck?

If any of you have this, I’d love to hear about your treatments or success stories! My RE plans to treat with Folgard (super strong b-vitamins) and baby aspirin.

The big decision now is whether or not to move forward with embryo testing. Now that we have a known issue, do we just treat that for IVF #2 or do we test the embryos just to be safe? Hmmmm, lots of thinking to do.

I’m thrilled that we finally have something to treat and I’m very happy that everything else came back normal. Now let’s get started!

Posted in IVF #2


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14 responses to “Well, well, well.

  1. I don’t want to say AWESOME NEWS that you have a genetic mutation, but HOORAY for finally having some answers!!! Undiagnosed infertility is a complete bitch since you don’t know what to do differently or better. Hopefully, this mutation was the cause of your prior BFNs and with treatment, your new batch of embies will be sticky and grow!!!

  2. Well, I know that bad news can sometimes be good news when it helps you to better understand what is happening with your body. But, sometimes I just feel like the longer I am infertile the more labels I get: male factor, ovulatory dsyfunction, diminished ovarian reserve, etc. Not that I wouldn’t wish away this knowledge, but sometimes I wonder how much of this is because they keep throwing labels as us to “solve” the problem. Anyway, let’s hope this is your silver bullet and you get a BFP!!

  3. I am so glad you finally have some answers and it’s something you can treat. I have never heard of MTHFR but then I didn’t know much about any of this IF stuff till a year ago. Let’s get this show on the road I need to send you a good luck charm. BFP coming your way!

  4. Jessica

    So glad you have an answer…especially since its a relatively easy fix.

  5. Very interesting. I hope that treating the mthr will make it easy to become pregnant. Sending you lots of luck

  6. This is going to sounds strange but I’m glad to hear they took 25 vials from you. I did a huge blood panel last week and they took 24 – everyone I’ve told seemed astonished.

    I took it in stride though, and used it as an excuse to get a milkshake. Yay.

    I’m also very glad to hear that the MTHFR is the only concern, and that it is completely treatable. I look forward to reading everyone’s comments (and success stories)

  7. Sometimes it just feels good to get some answers! Good luck with your next steps!

  8. WOW, what “great” news! I have never been tested for this but I have always been curious if I have a mutation for this. Did you have to pay out of pocket? If so, how much was it? Will be hoping that they can treat you for this and you’ll be welcoming a healthy baby soon!

  9. Good news that you tested normal for almost everything. As for the MTHFR. I tested heterozygous and now am taking folgard and baby aspirin. Sometimes if you’re doctor is being really proactive, he may make you do the shots of heparin, which is seriously a pain.

    But, I’m glad that you were able to get some possible answers and address any possible future problems!

  10. Suzanne

    Hi! I’ve followed your blog over the past several months and just wanted to share what I’ve learned about MTHFR (since you asked). I, too, tested homozygous in the C strand about 18 months ago – a few months after a miscarriage at 8 weeks. At the time my tests were done my homocysteine was also normal – the hematologist said probably because I’d been taking prenatal vitamins for over a year by that time. My OB put me on a high-folate prenatal (Neevo – similar to Folgard) and baby aspirin.

    We got pregnant (medicated IUI) last February and I am now at 36 weeks. I’m 44, DH is 51 – my AMH tested really low prior to conception, but my FSH and estradiol were both very good (more like someone mid-30s) – and we passed all the prenatal screens (NT, quad screen, anatomy scan) with flying colors so didn’t bother to do amnio.

    My OB occasionally checks my homocysteine just to be sure it’s still normal (has been – so no Lovenox or Heparin has been necessary with the pregnancy). That is really the important factor for avoiding implantation problems and early miscarriage.

    It’s also really important to know you have MTHFR for other, later-in-life issues related to clotting (like stroke, vascular dementia, etc.). I will continue to take a folic and B supplement and the one baby aspirin per day for the rest of my life as a result of understanding this condition. There’s some very new research linking low homocysteine to Alzheimer’s (just came out of Scandinavia) and the treatment they found promising was (wait for it) high B vitamin supplementation.

    Good luck with this next IVF! I’ll keep sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. This piece of information may just be the one that unlocks the puzzle for you (that is my sincere hope)!

  11. Pingback: Reward dollars, here we come! « venting vagina

  12. silver

    yay for a real diagnosis! i always read it as a swear word. so glad you don’t have to do lipids or even worse – lovenox. that would really suck.

  13. There are many women who have a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene and go on to have viable pregnancies and healthy babies. Unfortunately, I have not yet been one of those. I have the homozygous mutation of the C677t gene of MTHFR & take 4mg folic acid, 81mg aspirin & hi-dose f/a PNV. Although my fasting homocysteine levels came back normal, I will be on blood thinners upon that elusive bfp as a precaution. I have some info about the MTHFR mutation on my blog if you’d like to check it out. GL this cycle!!

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After nearly 3 years of TTC and the help of ART, we got pregnant on our 5th IVF/FET transfer after IVF #2. Our beautiful fraternal twin boys were born on 7/15/11 at 37w0d.

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