Beta #2 Results

I called the RE’s office again ( I called like 100 times because I’m a freak) and the nurse I usually talk to answered the phone. Apparently she left me a voicemail earlier but I never got it, which is weird because my phone has been attached to my hand all day. Stupid iPhone. Grrrr!

Anyway, on to the good news! My number more than doubled so things are right on track. She spilled the means on my number but I’m hesitant to look it up in betabase. What should I do? Would you look it up? Am I opening a new host of things to be worried about? I think I’d rather not.

Omg, it’s even more real that it was on Tuesday! I have another beta on Monday and then I’ll be on my way to ultrasound land! I’ve really missed you, dildocam!

I’m keeping that piece of hair braided anyway – for continued good luck. 🙂

You guys, I can’t express how grateful I feel. Besides extreme exhaustion and a few twinges and pulls, I feel pretty normal. I have also managed to catch myself a cold. I’m not a cold catching kind of person, so I can only attribute this to pregnancy. My body is working hard to grow a baby so fending off a cold isn’t on the top of my body’s list apparently!

Xo! Please keep the positive vibes coming!

11 responses to “Beta #2 Results

  1. Congratulations. How exciting. Soon you’ll be seeing your little one on the ultrasound. YAY!!

  2. So glad to hear it was good news, though I’m not at all surprised. 😉

    As for the numbers, you sort of have to know them all for them to be really useful in terms of graphing, etc (I think). And the reality is, it doesn’t tell you a whole lot because everyone is different. Being the neurotic that I am, I would just have to know, but I wish I wasn’t that way. Just one more thing to drive yourself crazy with!

  3. ilana

    YAYAYAY! so happy for you i knew this would be it for you. You are preggers! now go buy that bella band!

  4. You don’t know how much I look forward to reading your blog and hearing all this great news!!! YAY!!!!!!! and btw – I would’ve been calling them every 5 seconds and possibly would’ve shown up at the office looking for those #s!

  5. Jen

    great news! I’m glad to hear everything is progressing right on track. I felt like everyone’s beta #s were higher than mine, so I would think not looking them up would be best!

  6. Great news!!! I love betabase, so I would not be able to stay away. However, everyone is so different so it really is hard to get a good picture of what is really going on in there. Congrats!!! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Jen

    As long as you are doubling, you are good! i think it’s fun to look at the betabase though. 🙂

  8. You know what look up or not, you are pregnant girlfriend, pregnant woo hoo! I still have a braid in my locks and it will stay there until you unbraid yours k? i am so happy for you, so so so happy and just know Mondays number will be even better! Mad hugs sweetie, mad! xoxoxo

  9. thanks for everything, ladies! i have decided to ignore the beta number and instead focus on growing a baby! xoxo!

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After nearly 3 years of TTC and the help of ART, we got pregnant on our 5th IVF/FET transfer after IVF #2. Our beautiful fraternal twin boys were born on 7/15/11 at 37w0d.

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