36 Weeks

Well baby boy has been vertex for weeks so we’re getting there. I’m 1cm dilated and cervix is very soft so when labor starts, it should be quick. I scheduled acupuncture for 39w to help speed things along so I can avoid an induction. Last time acupuncture worked within 48 hours. 

Two weeks ago he was measuring in the 90th percentile so I have another big boy in there. Should be close to (but hopefully under) 9lbs, just like my last little guy. 

Just hoping I can hold him in until at least 39w – help doesn’t arrive until then and were in a new city without family or a nanny. The doctors don’t think I’ll go to 40w so might have to ask help to come sooner. 

Gah! This is really happening! Definitely getting anxious for childbirth even though I’ve BTDT (planning for unmedicated again) but so excited to meet our new little guy. Won’t be long now!

Wow. Baby #4.

It’s been a while. My last post was over a year ago about nursing my little guy for his first 13 months. I’m proud to say we went on to nurse for another year!

I’m also here to say HI! And that I’m 40 now! So old! And I’m also unexpectedly almost 27 weeks pregnant with our 4th boy! WTF? 4 boys, 4 and under at 40. Whaaaaat?!

Of course this would happen the month after I donated ALL of our baby stuff. At least we have clothing 18 months and up!

Baby boy is due Cinco de Mayo. We are looking forward to meeting him and I am very much looking forward to a margarita.

My oh my have things changed since the start of our baby-making journey! Hard won twins after tons of intervention and treatments (they’re 4.5 now!) and two surprises afterwards. And all boys. Oh my. What a lucky mama I am.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit we were hoping for a girl but I quickly realized how lucky I am to have FOUR healthy little boys loving on me. If this guy is as half as lovey as his big bros, I’m in heaven! Plus they’re close in age so the boys having similar interests are in my favor, no gender concerns with sharing rooms later, no one will ever be a third wheel, and hand-me-downs for life!

This little guy is definitely our last (but certainly not least). DH has scheduled the snip — something we never thought we’d need about 5-6 years ago. I do feel honored to be able to go through this again: a growing belly giving life to a healthy squirmy little baby, going through delivery again and feeling like a superwoman, breastfeeding, smelling that sweet baby smell and soaking up those sweet baby snuggles, watching my husband become a father for the last time, and watching the bigger boys welcome their new sibling. Ahhhhh.


Wow, it’s been a while!

Just got back from our babymoon. It was my first time ever leaving the boys in 21 months. My ILs flew in to stay with the boys which was a wonderful gift to all involved. It was much easier to leave them than I had anticipated. I missed them like crazy but I wasn’t a crying mess like I thought if be. DH and I had a wonderful time bonding and relaxing.

I’m 31w along. Baby boy is growing well and looking great. I can’t wait to meet him but at the same time, I’m cherishing his every roll, kick and hiccup. I love having him inside of me.

We don’t have a short list of names yet. We picked such great names for the twins that we’re having a hard time thinking of one equally as awesome for this guy.

Because I’m having a singleton delivery this time, we can do things a little differently. We plan to do delayed cord clamping and I’m also considering placenta encapsulation. I had issues with milk supply last time so I’m hoping that might help. My DH thinks I’m crazy re: the latter.

I still need a few things that I didn’t hang on to after the boys: swing/bouncer, nursing pillow, car seat and stroller adapter. I should start making a list for my hospital bag. I need a few more postpartum nursing things to wear. I can’t sit around with my boobs out all day this time around since our nanny will be around, too. I’m sure she could care less but I do have some modesty.

Baby A is really interested in babies. I think he’s going to be great with our new little one. Baby B is a bit more reserved. He has progressed beyond crying the second an infant comes near me (or our nanny) but he’s still not that cool with babies. He’s my more sensitive, emotional guy so I’m not surprised but he’ll need some extra mom love after baby arrives for sure.

We’ve been trying to prepare them for our new addition for months. We’ve been reading lots of baby books, which they’re both very interested in. We talk about “their” baby a lot, too. We’re practicing holding baby dolls. The baby is going to give them each a gift, as well.

Starting to stress about going into labor. We don’t have much family close and I know second labors happen more quickly so I’m worried about timing. My SIL (closest family) lives 20-30 mins away by cab. Our nanny is probably 30 mins away by cab. We live 20-45 mins away from the hospital, depending on time of day. Yikes! Just typing it out stresses me out! Guess I’ll do like last time and pop a bottle of champagne to calm my nerves on the way to the hospital. 🙂

Sugar Tests

Because I had GD with the twins, I had to take an early 1hr sugar test around 12w and passed with flying colors.

Fast forward to 25w. I failed the 1hr test at 135. My OB’s cutoff is 130. I didn’t fast beforehand (doctor’s recommendation) but it had been a few hours since I had eaten.

I was so upset! Having GD with the twins, I knew what would happen! I was able to control GD with diet so that wasn’t what I was worried about. I didn’t care about finger pricks 4x a day. It was the heel pricks for baby that I was dreading! I hated that the boys had to be poked every 2hrs! Plus, I’ll be honest. I love dessert. 🙂

I took the 3hr just shy of 28w. I fasted. I sipped water. I paced the entire time. My results were:
Fasting – 77
1hr – 139
2hr – 120
3hr – 45 (pretty low)

I PASSED! And I almost passed out! But I did it! Yay! No GD! Woohoo!


I had my level 2 anatomy scan this week. All is well and my screenings came back with the risk of a 20-year-old so I declined any further invasive testing. The baby kicks and rolls all of the time. I love it! I never want to forget this feeling.

The boys know there’s a baby in mama’s belly and sometimes they kiss my belly. So cute. I’m up 24 pounds already (yikes!) but I was underweight to start and I’m enjoying eating whatever baby wants. I’m super tired. I’m sure it’s because I have demanding jobs at home and out of the home.

The first half of this pregnancy flew by and it was hard for me to connect with the baby. I think it was because we conceived on our own (while sharing a room with our twins – go figure!) so there was the nagging fear that something would go wrong and with one baby it takes so long until you KNOW there’s a baby in there. Now that my belly is big and round and I feel baby move often, it’s totally different. I feel so connected now. I am so excited to meet this baby! I hope the rest of this pregnancy — likely my last — goes by super slowly. I’m already 21+ weeks and June will be here before we know it.

And … we found out the gender! Looks like I’ll remain the princess in my house, because mama’s having her third BOY! He’s healthy and perfect and has the cutest button nose. I’m so in love already.


After nearly 3 years of TTC and the help of ART, we got pregnant on our 5th IVF/FET transfer after IVF #2. Our beautiful fraternal twin boys were born on 7/15/11 at 37w0d.

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